Due Date: February 27, 2020
1- Ad Choices: (Premium pages based upon availability and messages to individual players are encouraged)
- Back Cover – $1,500. This is a full color ad located on the back cover of the Journal.
- Inside Front Cover/Inside Back Cover – $1,000. This is a full page color ad located inside of the front cover and inside of the back cover.
- Full Page Color Ad – $500. This is a full page color ad. The location of this ad is not guaranteed.
- Full Page Ad – $400. This is a full page black and white ad. The location of this ad is not guaranteed.
- Half Page Ad – $200. This is a half-page black and white ad. The location of this ad is not guaranteed.
- Quarter Page Ad – $100. This is a quarter page black and white ad. The location of this ad is not guaranteed.
- Business Card Ad – $50. This is an eighth of a page black and white ad. The business card is scanned into this ad space. The location of this ad is not guaranteed.
2- The ad content can be accepted in electronic format such as PDF, JPEG, TIFF, Microsoft Word, etc. Please put the corresponding Business Name or Family Name in the Re: line, if the ad is sent as an attachment by email. All emails should be sent to
3- A printed copy of the ad can also be processed by mailing it to Danielle Carr, whose address is below.
4- Each ad, whether submitted electronically or mailed, must be accompanied by a completed Ad Journal Form and payment.
5- Please mail all Ad Journal Forms, a printed copy of the ad, if applicable, and checks to:
Danielle Carr
15 Burning Hollow Road
Saddle River, NJ 07446
6- Checks should be made payable to “Don Bosco Prep ” with a memo reference to the Home Run Club.Credit card payments can be made through PayPal on by clicking on the fundraising tab.
7- Monetary donations are accepted. All donations are tax deductible.